Meet Spookley and his holiday hill farm friends
Meet Spookley creator Joe Troiano

Joe Troiano is the author, script writer, lyricist, and producer behind all of the Spookley the Square Pumpkin and Holiday Hill Farm books, movies, songs, and stage shows. Joe first conceived of Spookley one Halloween night when his young son asked for a non-scary bedtime story about pumpkins. He is the award-winning author of more than ten children’s books including: The Legend of Spookley the Square Pumpkin; STSP, A Family to be Thankful For; STSP and the Pumpkin Jamboree; STSP, The First Day of School; The Legend of Mistletoe and the Christmas Kittens; The Legend of JellyBean and the Unbreakable Egg; The Legend of Lyla the Love Bug; The Legend of Beacon the Bright Little Firefly; It’s Your Cloud; and TEAM Rudolph and the Reindeer Games. Joe is also an accomplished lyricist, having written songs for film, music recordings, television and stage. His credits include Caillou, Arthur, Disney’s Jojo’s Circus, and Monster Mash the Movie.